

Lifeline – Slum Parliment Meeting @ Pumping Station Slum, Chindadripet, Chennai.

Cheer in association with Recyclebin and GCC has been working on “Lifeline” a pilot project for holistic development of slums in Chennai. One among the ten verticals of development is Slum Parliament, which happens once a month where the residents and the goverment officials from various departments meet to discuss the grievances in the slum and also […]


Workshop on Making Eco Friendly Bags for Paavai

Paavai, an initiative started by the women living in Pumping station slum as a part of lifeline project are going through a training program for making eco friendly bags. They have learned how to make jute and cloth lunch bags, water bottle bags, and sling bags. The women are thrilled and the products are fantastic!! […]

summer-camp s

Summer camp in both it’s Centres after a two year break due to COVID

Cheer conducted Summer camp in both its Centres after a two year break due to COVID. The children eagerly and enthusiastically participated in all the sessions and events. The whole month was filled with participative education, entertainment, fun and frolic. We thank all the donors, resource persons, volunteers and children for making this a successful […]

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