Get involved



If you can’t give us money, there is something more valuable - give us your time! You do a whole lot of things for us - fundraise, campaign, do outreach, engage with schools and universities, do community organization, and more. Choose to volunteer!

The more the merrier - but also more impactful in making a difference in our communities. Lend us a hand in our projects, support with every day operations, teach at our Rural Learning Centres etc.

Contact us to have a chat about how you can help and we can get you started!



We are proud to have hosted ~30 young and talented students and professionals as our interns. We develop a research and activity schedule for every intern, apart from compliance with their academic requirements. The intern will have field visits, special sessions with experts, presentations and training which will give them exposure into social work, its institutions and the law. Additionally, every internship ends with a policy report or presentation and a one-day community organization activity.

Download Internship Form

Contact us if you need more information in this regard.

collage engagements

Fundraise for us

Sing, Dance, Act, Talk, Jump, Skip, Cook, Paint, Shout, Eat, Run, Swim, Play… Just have fun… For a cause! If you have an idea, we will help you implement it.

toilet campaign

Spread the Word

We look forward to involving more people, spread the word about the issues we deal with and help us achieve more.

  • Campaign For Us: Join hands with us in campaigning for a cause
  • Write For Us: Write articles, stories, plays and what not, for us to reach out.
  • Speakers: Request a Cheer Speaker to organize interactions, debates and deliver speeches on what we deal with.


  • Good at something and want to share your knowledge? Teach someone.
  • Help someone earn their livelihood, give them a job.
  • Do you think education is important? Provide someone the opportunity.
  • Are you a professional? Help someone with your expertise.
  • Classmates, Alumni, Carpool friends, Work Team, Laughter Club whatever your group is, if you wish to be a part of a solution, get in touch with us and we will plan an activity together.


When we bring cheer to someone, there is every reason to celebrate.  Brighten things up with your participation in our festivals and help us brighten lives. Look out for updates on Cheer Live and our Facebook Page.

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